Our Board of Directors (the "Board") comprises three executive Directors and three independent non-executive Directors. The powers and duties of the Board include determining our business and investment plans, preparing our annual financial budgets and final reports, and exercising other powers, functions and duties as conferred by the Articles.
Executive Directors
Hui Sai Tan, Jason (Chairman)
Mr. Hui Sai Tan, Jason, aged 47, has been the Chairman and an Executive Director of Shimao Services Holdings Limited (the“Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) since 1 June 2020 and is primarily responsible for the overall strategic planning and business management of the Group. Mr. Jason Hui obtained a Master of Science Degree in Real Estate from the University of Greenwich, the United Kingdom in 2001 and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of South Australia in 2004. He has more than 25 years’ experience in property development and management. He is a member of Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the president of New Home Association, Hong Kong. Mr. Jason Hui is currently an executive director, the chairman and president of Shimao Group Holdings Limited (“Shimao Group Holdings”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Shimao Group”), the ultimate holding company of the Company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “HKEx”). Mr. Jason Hui is also a director of Best Cosmos Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shimao Group Holdings and a substantial shareholder of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”) and Shanghai Shimao Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Shimao”, a subsidiary of Shimao Group Holdings delisted on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in June 2024). Mr. Jason Hui is the son of Mr. Hui Wing Mau, the ultimate controlling shareholder (as defined in the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities (the “Listing Rules”) on the HKEx) of the Company.
Shao Liang (President)
Mr. Shao Liang, aged 46, was appointed as an Executive Director and the President of the Company on 26 April 2024 and is primarily responsible for the overall strategic planning and operations of the Group. Mr. Shao is currently a non-executive director of Shimao Group Holdings and is also the group vice president and head of production and operation management center of the Shimao Group, responsible for the overall management of the Shimao Group’s production operation. Mr. Shao obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Economic Management in 2001 and joined the Shimao Group in the same year, and successively served as an assistant president, the head of sales management center and controller of the regional sales of the Shimao Group, accumulating over 23 years of experience in sales and operation management.
Cao Shiyang
Mr. Cao Shiyang (曹士揚), formerly known as Cao Shiyang (曹世楊), aged 50, was appointed as an Executive Director of the Company on 1 June 2020 and has been the vice president of the Group since January 2020. Mr. Cao is primarily responsible for the business operations of residential development center of the Group, and was also responsible for the overall operations and management of the Group in the Southern Theatre. Mr. Cao joined the Group in July 2009 and served as an assistant president and the general manager for Shanghai and Jiangsu regions of the Group from January 2018 to December 2019. Mr. Cao has over 17 years of experience in the property management industry. Mr. Cao successively served various positions in the Group from July 2009 to December 2019, including project leader, the head of business management department and regional leader in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Cao had worked at Shanghai Vanke Property Services Co., Ltd. (上海萬科物業服務有限公司) from October 1995 to May 2003 and at Nanjing Vanke Property Management Co., Ltd. (南京萬科物業管理有限公司) from May 2003 to July 2009 respectively, both of which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of China Vanke Co., Ltd. (萬科企業股份有限公司), whose shares are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the HKEx respectively, where he served in various positions including the head of business management department and project leader. Mr. Cao obtained a Diploma in Industrial and Civil Architecture from Beijing Jingqiao University (北京京橋大學) through correspondence learning program in the PRC in July 2008 and a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Management (economic management) from the People’s Liberation Army Army Officer Academy (中國人民解放軍陸軍軍官學院) in the PRC in June 2013, and completed an EMBA selected courses program in Nanjing University (南京大學) in the PRC in December 2021.
Independent non-executive Directors
Gu Yunchang
Mr. Gu Yunchang, formerly known as Gu Yongchuang, aged 80, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company on 13 October 2020 and is responsible for providing independent advice on the operations and management of the Group. Mr. Gu acted as the general secretary of China Real Estate Associate (中國房地產業協會) in 1998, the vice chairman of China Real Estate and Housing Association (中國房地產及住宅研究會) in 2005 and the vice chairman of the Fifth Council Committee of China Real Estate Research Association (中國房地產研究會) in 2009. He formerly held various positions of the Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection of the PRC (中華人民共和國城鄉建設環境保護部), including the deputy division head of the General Office of Urban Housing Bureau (城市住宅局綜合處) in 1982 and division head of the General Office of Housing Bureau (住宅局綜合處) in 1985 respectively, and the deputy director of the Policy Research Centre of Ministry of Construction of the PRC (中華人民共和國建設部政策研究中心) from 1988 to 1998. Mr. Gu is currently an independent non-executive director of Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd and Jiayuan International Group Limited, both of which are listed on the main board of the HKEx. He was formerly an independent non-executive director of CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd., a company listed on the main board of the HKEx, from October 2012 to December 2021. Mr. Gu graduated from Tongji University (同濟大學) in the PRC and specialized in Urban Planning in July 1966. In the 1980s, he participated in the policy research and formulation of city and village residential construction techniques in China, leading the project “2000 China”, and won the First Class National Science Technology Advance Award in China in April 1988 and December 1989 respectively.
Zhou Xinyi
Ms. Zhou Xinyi, formerly known as Zhou Xiaorong, aged 61, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company on 13 October 2020 and is responsible for providing independent advice on the operations and management of the Group. Ms. Zhou is the chairman and president of The Qianhai Chamberlain Institute (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (前海勤博教育科技(深圳)有限公司). Ms. Zhou served as the dean of Shenzhen Property Management and Advanced Training College Co., Ltd. (深圳房地產和物業管理進修學院有限公司) from August 1996 to October 2017 and a deputy general manager of Shenzhen Shentou Education Co., Ltd. (深圳市深投教育有限公司), an educational institution engaged in providing educational and vocational training services, from March 2017 to January 2018. Ms. Zhou is an honorary vice president of the Fifth Council Committee of China Property Management Association(中國物業管理協會). Ms. Zhou obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in English Languages and Literature from Nanjing University(南京大學) in the PRC in July 1984 and a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from Stanford University in the United States in June 1989.
Hui Wai Man, Lawrence
Mr. Hui Wai Man, Lawrence, aged 67, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company on 24 August 2022. Mr. Lawrence Hui obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts from Manchester Polytechnic, the United Kingdom (now known as Manchester Metropolitan University) in 1982 and has over 41 years’ experience in corporate finance, project finance, taxation, accounting and audit. Mr. Lawrence Hui worked in a number of companies, including as an executive director and chief financial officer of several companies including Guangdong Tannery Limited (now known as Namyue Holdings Limited), Guangnan (Holdings) Limited (now known as GDH Guangnan (Holdings) Limited) and Kingway Brewery Holdings Limited (now known as Guangdong Land Holdings Limited), finance manager of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited (now reorganized as CK Hutchison Holdings Limited), general manager (corporate finance, leasing and property sales) of Sino Land Company Limited and group financial controller of Lai Fung Company Limited. Mr. Lawrence Hui has been the vice president and chief financial officer of Shimao Group Holdings, the ultimate holding company of the Company, from November 2005 to April 2013. He is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, an associate member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and and Wales.

Shimao Services Investor Relations Contact
Company IR:XIE Nan
Address: 26/F, SHANGHAI SHIMAO TOWER, No. 55, West Weifang Road, Shanghai, PRC 200122
Telephone: +86 21 38611216